
Best Yoga Poses For Pregnant Women

By Sam Milner
Pregnancy brings both fear and joy to parents. Most women are afraid of
the changes their bodies are going through. They have to deal with breathing problems, nausea, fatigue, painful leg cramps, and mood swings. Certain yoga poses are specifically designed for expectant mothers. They may help release the discomfort of pregnancy and prepare your body for childbirth.

Check out these five yoga poses for expectant moms:

Cobbler's pose - This posture relieves back pain
and stretches your upper legs. It also improves balance and gives your baby more space to move around in your belly. The cobbler's pose, also known as Baddha Konasana, is a great hip opener. This simple exercise is excellent for the hips, thighs, and groin.

Child's pose - This resting pose is also known as balasana. It relaxes the body and helps reduce back pain. The child's pose can be extremely beneficial when you're stressed or anxious. It releases tension in the back and shoulders, regulates blood circulation, and stretches your spine.

Yoga squat - This popular exercise stretches and tones your legs, improves posture, and accelerates your metabolism. It's one of the best yoga poses during pregnancy. It helps you find balance and strengthens your core. The yoga squat offsets the adverse effects of sitting for long periods of time by increasing flexibility and coordination.

Eagle pose - Garudasana or the eagle pose opens your hips and shoulders, which helps prepare your body for childbirth. It also improves focus and concentration while relaxing your mind.

Hero pose - This exercise is also called virasana. It serves as the initial position for several asanas. The hero pose stretches your ankles, improves digestion, and relieves tired legs. It's also recommended for asthma and high blood pressure. This posture stretches the hips, knees, thighs, and feet. It's one of the most beneficial yoga poses during pregnancy.

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