
What Is Chitosan and Does It Help to Lose Weight?

Chitosan is taken from chitin, a polysaccharide found in the shells of crustaceans such as crabs, shrimps, and lobsters. It is sold as a dietary supplement and is believed to work as a natural weight loss aid. That's not all, it is also believed to reduce high cholesterol, decrease high blood pressure, eliminate heartburn and IBS, as well as increase the absorption of calcium.

While scientific evidence is definitely required to back the fact that chitosan can indeed help in weight loss, many people who have used this dietary supplement have benefited from it.

How does chitosan work for weight loss?

Chitosan works by preventing the absorption and storage of fat before being metabolized in the stomach. Basically, chitosan is a fiber that is able to absorb the fats when they enter the body. Thus, the fat is not broken down and it also does not get absorbed into the bloodstream.

Instead, both the fat and the chitosan go through the small intestine where they bind with the bile acids. They then form an insoluble gel which passes through the large intestine and is excreted out of the body. This means that instead of getting absorbed into the bloodstream, it is excreted out of the body. No fat absorption means there is no weight gain.

Of course, the fact that fat does not get absorbed into the body does help with weight loss. However, there is another way that chitosan helps in losing weight. Since it is a fiber, chitosan also promotes cleansing, which is also an important process in weight loss.

Another reason why chitosan seems to work for weight loss is that the body does not crave for fattening foods. It also does not starve nor does it feel hungry. This is because you are continuing to eat fats. The only thing is that it is not getting absorbed into your bloodstream.

Since less fat is entering the bloodstream, the body tends to burn the existing fat present in the body. This means that your body is burning fat and you are constantly losing weight while taking chitosan supplements.
It has also been found that addition of Vitamin C makes the chitosan swell up. This promotes appetite suppression. So, you don't feel too hungry, another factor that helps in promoting weight loss. This is why you will mostly find Vitamin C added to chitosan products sold in the market these days.

Now, that's not all. chitosan is also believed to reduce LDL or "bad" cholesterol and boost HDL or "good" cholesterol. It also helps control high blood pressure. So, besides losing weight, chitosan will help in promoting better cardiovascular health as well.

While it is true that there is no scientific evidence to back these theories, the fact remains that this dietary supplement has indeed helped people lose weight.

For more information on chitosan and its role as a natural weight loss aid, click here.
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